The presentation files should be submitted in the platform until July 15th, in PDF.
The oral communications presentation is online, in real time (if your presentation is online), if your presentation is in person, you should submitted in the same way, because all the presentations will be grouped and taken to the respective rooms.
If your presentation has animations or videos, you can share your screen at the moment of the presentation (if your presentation is online). In these cases,, it is really important that you do one of the tests mentioned below.
How to submit the presentation file:
1- Login (enter your personal area)
2- Select abstracts (in the left side menu)
3- Select - presentation files
4- Upload file
The access to the congress is done through the LOGIN.
After you login you should select the option "Sessions" on the left side menu of your personal area.
If your don't remember you password, select "Forgot password". Create a new password. An email with a confirmation link will be sent to you, follow it to LOGIN.
Please have in consideration the next aspects:
To ensure that your presentation/moderation goes without trouble, we suggest that you do a video, audio and document sharing test before the congress in one of the dates and hours available:
To do the tests:
Poster Submission (or other presentation files) and Poster Sessions
Platform, Sessions and Questions
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